Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cross your fingers for me!

I have submitted a proposal to in hopes that they will accept my project and that I will be able to get some funds for an intensive and expensive project: My senior collection for school. This is something where I have to buy ALL of my materials out of pocket. It does not come from any tuition or anything. If I can get on kickstarter, hopefully I can get some generous donations in order to fund my idea. Otherwise, I am not really sure how I will be able to afford all of the material and such. Sigh!

So cross your fingers for me!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Excited and nervous!

About 13 hours to go until I have to be at the Spring Fashion show hosted at the Art Salon. I am nervous... but extremely excited! And thanks to a friend of mine I am nearly ready! Just have to put the collar and facing into a vest and do some last minute finishing stuff and then I'll be all ready. Of course, there is always MORE I could do, but no. I am not going to kill myself tonight. Hopefully just a couple more hours of work and I can snag some sleep. Woo! I will post some pictures tomorrow after the event.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Life moves at the speed of light

So I go from preparing and doing one event to mad-dash preparing for the next. I decided that Yes, I am going to partake in the fashion show! So now I need to make a few new designs within a few days. Yikes! I also met with a bunch of fabulous new people at the Style Expo this weekend, so I am working on correspondence. It has never been a strong suit of mine, but I need to get better at it!

I also handing out tons of business cards and flyers for custom corsets, so here is hoping that I get some return business from that!

I would love to write more, but I need to send a few more emails and then get to patterning! And I almost forgot! The Fashion show will be at:
The Art Salon located at:  2219 E. 21st Avenue, Denver, CO 80205  (21st Avenue at York Street, near City Park)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Finals done. Now for the Style Expo!

Finals are done, done, done! I got all A's for my finals grades. Yeah!

Tomorrow (today) is the Style Expo! I am excited~! I found out that I will be 2 booths down from Mondo (Project Runway), which is also super exciting. I am working on some accessory pieces for the event since I didn't have time to really flesh out any solid designs.

Final Project: Advanced Couture Sewing
AiC Winter 2011
On a crazy side note: I was introduced to a wonderful opportunity to showcase my designs in a small local runway show and sell my designs directly to consumers! I would LOVE to jump on this opportunity. However, the event is in about 8 days and I'd need to design, pattern, and make about 5-7 full outfits. This is pretty damned ambitious, especially since I also have school starting up again next week. But I am currently feeling like I would be more crazy not to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. I am going to sleep on it and make sure I am not absolutely nuts for wanting to do this, but I really want to take part in it. I am most likely going to do it and forego sleep for the next week. No pain, no gain, right?

And because I always want to give an image of my work: Here is the corset mentioned in the previous entry completed. However, I wish to take apart the bottom since the lining didn't fit perfectly and re sew it so it doesn't look so weird in the front.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Denver Style Expo is a GO!

After consulting with a classmate of mine (several actually) I finally got one of them to commit to having a booth with me at the Denver Style Expo! So, I will have a booth there~ I have like 3 weeks to make as much inventory as I can (plus finals, YIKES) But I am super excited about it!

I plan on working on some hairpiece accessories, maybe some more jewelry, and if I feel incredibly ambitious; a few corsets as well.

Oh, and I finished my dress from the last post. And even wore it to my Wedding Dress presentation. It fits me better than my dress form (I think having arms helps. LoL), but I did notice a bit of a problem with the front panel (not showing in picture) riding up because the front piece doesn't have any ease. Luckily I have some extra material, so I think I'll add in some panels on the side. It won't be visible, but it'll help the dress sit SO much better when wearing it.

 Now I am working on a silk corset with Dior Roses. I already have 5 of the roses done! (About 6 more to go, and will judge if more are needed at that point) I will upload some progress images soon!

Friday, February 18, 2011

A new year, a new blog

In an effort to actually become more active with my fashion design work, I thought I might create a blog that concentrates on the projects and shows I am doing.

Today's project: Sew a dress in a day!

I am using the Butterick Retro pattern # 4790. It's labeled as a "Fast & easy" pattern. However, there are a couple things to note: First. Rather than buying bias tape, I have decided to make my own! Also, if I finish it and it comes out nicely, I plan to wear it to the girl's night out tomorrow (if it isn't too cold out). But since this is a pretty lightweight fabric and it's been chilly out, I foresee my dress form getting more wear out of it for at least the next few weeks.

Also, I am highly tempted to get a booth for a local event, which is why dress in a day came about. For the next 12-ish days I am attempting to see how many goods I can produce to see if it will be viable for me to have a booth at all! I am a fulltime fashion design student with lots of school projects, and my finals are the week before the event, so finding time to sew is going to be a challenge! But definitely one I am looking forward to. So, this blog will surely be filled with all kinds of pictures for the next couple weeks at least!